Analysis of Advertisement Spendings across Category

Business Case:

To understand spending patterns in advertisements through the four mediums of TV, Radio, Print and Digital across the two sectors of Retail and Service.


Analyzing and comparing the spending across mediums and diving deeper into the sectors and the product itself.

Technology used:

Power BI and Excel

Data Source:

  1. TAM for Spends Data
  2. BARC for Viewership Data

The report is divided into 7 section and here’s the overview of some of the sections:

Category Snapshot:

Provides an overview of the entire data.

Cross Category comparison:

Shows us comparison between two selected categories across mediums and in a particular time period.

TV Spends:

Shows us analysis of spending on TV in terms of the TG Market and the sector of the product. The page also tell us about expenses across the different languages and genres.